Central Africa 1997 Bill Clinton's cat
Serie: Yvert 1117/1125
Michel 1783/1791
Catalogue Value € 8,00 - $ 9,76

200 f Socks

Central Africa 1999 Cats of the World
Serie: Yvert 1618U/AB
        Michel 2329/2336
Catalogue Value € 22,00 - $ 26,84

485 f    American bobtail
485 f    American curl
485 f    Singapura
485 f    Burmese
485 f    Tortoiseshell
485 f    Scottish fold
485 f     British shorthair
485 f     Turkish Van

Central Africa 2001
Serie: Yvert 1775/1780
Michel 2660/2665
Catalogue Value € 12,02 - $ 14,66

485 f    American wirehair
485 f    California spangled
485 f    Chinchilla golden longhair
485 f    Exotic
485 f    Selkirk rex
485 f    Oriental shorthair

Central Africa 1997 Fauna and Flora scouting
Serie: Yvert 1055/56-1065/70
        Michel 1774/1781
Catalogue Value

Central Africa 1999 Cats of the World
Serie: Yvert BF 169
        Michel BL 629
Catalogue Value € 22,00 - $ 26,84

485 f    Havana
Cats on stamps
Central African
Central Africa 1986 Dogs and Cats
Serie: Yvert 739/41-A 348/49
        Michel 1227/31
Catalogue Value ----

  20f Egyptian Mau
400f Red Persian